Friday, January 21, 2011


(This is a past post I forgot to post!) 1/17/10

So tonight was amazing!
I truly love my job, it's great, I work at a Christian Camp and tonight we did this crosswalk, which is basically the idea of carrying a burden and laying it down at the foot of the cross.
Way more goes into it than that, but you get the point.  Seeing these kids dealing with 'real' stuff is hard, I hate it.  What I hate even more is the lies that Satan fills there head with.  It sucks, the idea that they are alone or no one would like them if they came clean with what they were dealing with, or people would look at them differently if they told the truth about what they were going through!  I FLIPPEN HATE SATAN!
But tonight was sooo good, just to see these kids light up, and to open up with the FREEDOM that is in Christ.  For them to realize that they are not alone, that we are all struggling that we all have sin our lives and they don't have to live bound to that, it's amazing!
We had two kids come to Christ tonight, which is SOOO AWESOME!  I mean, if you don't get excited about kids coming to Christ, then somethings wrong, their are two more kids who are fighting the good fight and running the good race!  Who are now spreading the news of Jesus Christ for the world to know!  Their are two more kids who will be in Heaven with us when the time comes!  That is so so so so so GREAT!
Watching the kids worship tonight and hearing their voices cry out to God, and for them to realize that GOD LOVES THEM!  God doesn't just love the perfect, and He didn't just die for the good, but He died for each and every one of us, and to see the hope fill their little eyes!  How sweet, so so sweet...
It got my heart of fire for God, a fire that is awesome.  Just to know that their is hope, that God is still working in Big ways, and that He will come!
It was good, I hope that it is as encouraging to you as it was to me!

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