Saturday, December 18, 2010

Married People and Life

So what is marriage all about any ways.  Is it the life long commitment of seeing the same person everyday?  Is it the constant communication that involves complete honesty from both parts?  Is it the unbelievable amount of trust you pour into each other, each and everyday TRUSTING that you won't get hurt?  Or Maybe it's the idea that you will love and be loved and give and be given and you will lean and be leaned on equally that the bond between the two people will just hold each other up in a way that is absolutely beautiful.
I suppose all these things are wonderful and ideal, I suppose I thought before I got married that THIS is what marriage would look like, but I had NO IDEA what that would be like for me in REALITY!
I have learned to completely dislike the question, "How is marriage going for you?"
It's like asking... "How is passing the kidney stone going?"  That's my personal business!  How did you even know I had a kidney stone in the first place?  It hurts like hell!  What do you think?  I mean I really suppose it's not really anything like passing a kidney stone I just thought it would be funny to say that marriage is like a kidney stone...  bad joke?
Marriage, I have to learn DAILY!  I mean I have no choice.
"Learn what," you say?  Well I have to learn how to love!  I have to learn how to be loved, I have to learn how to trust that my wife is being faithful to God as I am.  That's a scary thought, because I know how stinking wreckless I can be, how unbelievably stupid I can be, and how incredibly PRIDEFUL I AM!  It's sickening really.  How can something so TRAGIC and AWEFUL be loved and actually LOVE anyone?  The only answer that I come to is Christ.  I mean I could come out with that classic cliche, 'marriage has to be based around Christ or it will never work,' and you could read that and be like, "that's so sweet!"  But it is so TRUE.  If it wasn't for God this marriage would be in shambles before it even started.  How sad...  But Glorifying.  It is in Christ Alone.
It is hard.
I wish that it was easy to be patient.  BOY DO I WISH THAT!  I wish that it came naturally to sit down and listen.  I wish that it came naturally for me to respond kindly, and be supportive when I think things are BAD IDEAS!  I mean I wish it was natural for the EASY STUFF!
- Putting my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper!
- Sharing my bed
- GOING HOME FOR LUNCH!? <"What's that?"
- Waking up before 9?
Just silly things that, I know I wouldn't do it I wasn't married.  Not that it's incredibly hard by any means, and not even that I don't want to do it.  But, I wouldn't do it if I wasn't married.
Yet this is where I come to it's a GREAT THING!  I suppose on many levels it could be seen as "domestication" which is a beautiful thing, unless I was a pit bull with rabies....
But I'm not, I'm a human, created like my master to be in relationship and fellowship, to be in a union under Him with someone He created especially for me!  It's great!  I wouldn't trade a day of it, and I wouldn't trade a single conversation.  I just wish we were more on the same wave length ALL THE TIME so that when I say anything she AUTOMATICALLY knows what I mean, and when she says ANYTHING I AUTOMATICALLY know what she means.  But I guess that would take the fun out if it.  I know their would be FAR less laughs.
I suppose that's my response to the questions, "how's married life going?"  I just don't know how to tell someone that, in verbal communication with out making them think that I regret anything, because I definitely don't and I can completely understand how some one could say that they fall more and more in love with there spouse everyday, because I know that ti's true in this case!

As for LIFE:
Work - Camp Eagle
It's great, I mean it's weird, Lauren isn't there anymore which makes the office life a bit weird.  I am finally coming to a point where it's 'normalizing' it's becoming a new routine, it's becoming something that I am familiar with.  It just sucks at times.  I realize the million and one things that go through my head in a day that would have made us fall out of 'work' mode and into a frenzie of googling/youtubing/pandoraing in a heartbeat.  Now I just do it alone!  I get more work done I suppose, that's good though because I feel like my work load has gone up by at least 60%.  I get nervous about what my job will look like in a few months, but shoot, why worry, the Lord will provide!
Meredith and I are home for the Holidayz, visiting my family now and then moving on to her family after Christmas.  It's fun it's neat it's chill.  I don't want this to be a stressful time, I just want it to be a time where we can enjoy each other and the family we are around.
I hope that blogging becomes more of a daily thing, but I just don't know yet, I just had these things floating through my mind and I just wanted to get them down!
Good Night Everyone!

Hoe to talk to you soon! :)

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